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Disco:Angels Cry
Estilo:Power Metal
1.Unfinished Allegro
2.Carry On
4.Angels Cry
5.Stand Away
6.Never Understand
7.Wuthering Heights
8.Streets Of Tomorrow
9.Evil Warning
10.Lasting Child

1.Cheyne Stoking
2.Halls Of Degradation

Warmen es una banda de metal progresivo/metal neo-clásico finlandesa fundada por el tecladista Janne Viljami Wirman muchas veces apodado Warman. Janne ha tocado con Children of Bodom desde 1997, y en el año 2000 creó un proyecto musical centrado en el trabajo instrumental, el cual ha tenido cantantes invitados en muy pocas y especiales ocasiones. La primera encarnación de Warmen estaba compuesta por Janne, el guitarrista Sami Virtanen y el baterista Mirka Rantanen. Esta alineación grabo y lanzo exitosamente el disco Unknown Soldier en el mismo año en que la banda se fundó, con la colaboración de la cantante invitada Kimberly Goss (de Sinergy), el guitarrista Roope Latvala (de Sinergy y Children Of Bodom) y el bajista Jari Kainulainen (Ex-Stratovarius, actualmente en MESS).
Actual Formacion:
Janne Viljami Wirman=Teclado
Sami Virtanen=Guitarra
Lauri Porra=Bajo
Mirka Rantanen=Batería
Disco:Beyond Abilities
Estilo:Progressive Metal
1.Beyond Abilities
4.Trip To...
6.Singer's Chance
9.Salieri Strikes Back
10.War Of Worlds

Grupo:Within Temptation & The Metropole Orchestra
Disco:Black Symphony
Estilo:Symphony Metal
2.Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)
3.The Howling
4.Stand My Ground
5.The Cross
6.What Have You Done?
7.Hand Of Sorrow
8.The Heart Of Everything
11.The Swan Song
13. Our Solemn Hour
14. The Other Half (Of Me)
15. Frozen
16. The Promise
17. Angels
18. Mother Earth
19. The Truth Beneath The Rose
20. Deceiver of Fools
21. All I Need
22. Ice Queen

Disco:Cross The Styx
Estilo:Death Metal
1.Carnificina Scelesta
2.Perennial Mourning
3.Sacramental Carnage
5.Spiritual Immolation
6.Cross The Styx
7.Compulsory Resignation
8.Corridors To The Abyss
9.Putrefying Remains
10Epoch Of Denial
11.Perpetual Damnation

Estilo:Black/Viking Metal
1.Sognariket Sine Krigarar
2.Det Som var Haukareid
3.Mørket Sin Fyrste
4.Sognariket si Herskarinne
5.I ei Krystallnatt

Grupo:The Eternal
Estilo:Gothic/Doom Metal
2.Without Reason
3.Lost Our Way
4.Self Inflicted
6.A Pale Reflection
9.Walk Beside You
11.Means For An Ending
12.Brighter Day
Zyklon - World Ov Worms
Grupo:ZyklonDisco:World Ov WormsAño:2001Estilo:Black/Death MetalTracklist:1.Hammer Revelation 2.Deduced to Overkill 3.Chaos Deathcult 4.Storm Detonation 5.Zycloned 6.Terrordrome 7.Worm World 8.Transcendental War: Battle Between Gods DownloadPass: killyoursin.blogspot.comZyklon - Aeon
Grupo:ZyklonDisco:AeonAño:2003Estilo:Black/Death MetalTracklist:1.Psyklon Aeon2.Core Solution3.Subtle Manipulation4.Two Thousand Years5.No Names Above the Names6.The Prophetic Method7.Specimen Eruption8.Electric Current9.An Eclectic MannerDownloadPass: killyoursin.blogspot.comZyklon - Disintegrate
Grupo:ZyklonDisco:DisintegrateAño:2006Estilo:Black/Death MetalTracklist:1.In Hindsight2.Disintegrate3.Ways of the World4.Subversive Faith5.A Cold Grave6.Vile Ritual7.Underdog8.Wretched9.Vulture10.Skinned and EndangeredDownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Pantera - Cemetary Gates2. Ratt - Dr. Rock3. Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane4. Vandenberg - Pedal To The Metal 5. Twisted Sister - Under The Blade 6. Wrathchild America - Hell's Gates 7. Cinderella - Somebody Save Me 8. Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood 9. Slaughter - Eye To Eye 10. WASP - Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)11. Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages 12. White Lion - Broken Heart 13. Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize 14. Kingdom Come - Get It On 15. Bon Jovi - Raise Your Hands 16. Warrant - Cherry Pie 17. Dokken - Breaking The Chains DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Unexpect - Vespers Gold 2. Diabolical Masquerade - Rider On The Bones 3. Arcturus - Kinetic 4. Lux Occulta - Nude Sophia 5. Peccatum - The Song Which No Name carry6. Thy Catafalque - Zapor 7. Estradasphere - The Silent Elk Of Yesterday 8. Carnival In Coal - Ring My Bell 9. Misanthrope - 1966.Theatre Bizarre10. Phlebotomised - Barricade 11. Strommoussheld - La Masquerade 12. Maudlin Of The Well - They Aren't All Beautiful13. Sigh - In A Drowse DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Children Of Bodom - Needled 24-72. Firewind - Burning Earth 3. Gamma Ray - Hell Is Thy Home 4. Kalmah - One From The Stands 5. Iron Savior - Ironbound 6. Powergod - Back To Attack 7. Megadeth - She Wolf 8. Grave Digger - Desert Rose 9. Eterna - Epiphany 10. Anthrax - Refuse To Be Denied 11. Bulldozer - Art Of Deception12. Stormwarrior - Odinn's Warriors 13. Helloween - The Invisible Man 14. Cacophony - Savage 15. Whiplash - Spiral Of Violence 16. Vampyr - Indianapolis DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Pagan Reign - In Winter Embraces2. Rhymes Of Destruction - Terugkeer Naar Het Einde Van De Cirkel3. Svarga - Na Toy Storone4. User Ne - Naim, Yhazura, Derval...5. Hel - Wunden6. Radigost - Woodlands7. Skyforger - In Darkness And Frost8. Butterfly Temple - Kolovorot9. Odroerir - Odroerir10. Natural Spirit - Zhazhda Vlasti11. Satarial - The Shield Of Grief12. Kroda - Apocalypse13. Nokturnal Mortum - Perun's Celestial Silver DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Deathstars - Trinity Fields 2. The Kovenant - Cybertrash 3. Rammstein - Mann Gegen Mann 4. Pain - Dancing With The Dead5. Ktulu - Tiempo Hostil 6. Der Bote - Kalt 7. Stahlhammer - Messerschmied8. Unheilig - Horizont 9. Oomph - Burn Your Eyes 10. Satarial - Hure-Tod 11. Prong - Rude Awakening 12. Godflesh - Anthem 13. Raism - Negative 14. Tanzwut - Schattenreiter15. Powerman 5000 - Return To The City Of The Dead 16. Nerve Factor - Last CallDownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Agiel - Principle Of Discord 2. Born Headless - Butchered Hope3. Nile - The Howling Of The Jinn 4. Amputated Genitals - Chessman Red Monday5. 324 - Glenghost 6. Gorgasm - Stitched Oral Asphyxia 7. Krisiun - Thorns Of Heaven 8. Saprogenic - Bloodwork 9. Bloodchurn - Point Of Origin 10. Anal Bleeding - The Smell Of Hot Shit 11. Necrophagist - Seven 12. Sanatorium - The False Prophet 13. Usipian - Predators Of An Unbound Sea 14. Devourment - Babykiller 15. Prostitute Disfigurement - Victims Of The Absurd16. Benighted - Identisick 17. Aborted - Parasitic Flesh Resection18. Liturgy - Shrine Of Moria 19. Incarnated - Blood Sign 20. Azarath - Destroy Yourself 21. Necrotorture - Blood FeastDownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Behemoth - Conquer All 2. Emperor - Thus Spake The Nightspirit 3. Marduk - Nightwing 4. Satyricon - Mother North 5. Fluisterwoud - Knovelær 6. Celtic Frost - The Usurper 7. Burzum - Ea, Lord Of The Depths 8. Immortal - Sons Of Northern Darkness9. 1349 - I Am Abomination 10. Dimmu Borgir - Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde 11. Naglfar - Unleash Hell 12. Lord Belial - Osculum Obscenum 13. Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium 14. Gorgoroth - Blod Og Minne 15. Darkthrone - In The Shadow Of The Horns 16. Melechesh - Incendium Between Mirage And Time DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Asesino - Desperdazando Muertos2. The Apparatus - Thanatos 3. Broken Hope - Chewed To Stubs 4. Torture Killer - A Funeral For The Masses 5. Inzest - Shut Da Fuck Up 6. Adramelech - Bleeding For Supremacy 7. Decapitated - Sensual Sickness8. Abominant - Through The Primordial Void 9. Evilheart - The Black Chasm 10. Agresion - Beyond 11. Converge - Down 12. Kataklysm - Blood On The Swans 13. Pungent Stench - In Search Of The Perfect Torture 14. Six Feet Under - Manipulation15. Paths Of Possession - The Icy Flow Of Death 16. Blood Freak - Worm Face Executioner 17. Vehemence - Spirit Of The Soldier 18. Verminous - Grotesque Visions 19. Fleshcrawl - Soulskinner 20. Nunslaughter - Ritual Of Darkness DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Asesino - Desperdazando Muertos2. The Apparatus - Thanatos3. Broken Hope - Chewed To Stubs4. Torture Killer - A Funeral For The Masses5. Inzest - Shut Da Fuck Up6.Adramelech - Bleeding For Supremacy 7. Decapitated - Sensual Sickness 8. Abominant - Through The Primordial Void 9. Evilheart - The Black Chasm10. Agresion - Beyond 11. Converge - Down 12. Kataklysm - Blood On The Swans 13. Pungent Stench - In Search Of The Perfect Torture 14. Six Feet Under - Manipulation 15. Paths Of Possession - The Icy Flow Of Death 16. Blood Freak - Worm Face Executioner 17. Vehemence - Spirit Of The Soldier 18. Verminous - Grotesque Visions 19. Fleshcrawl - Soulskinner 20. Nunslaughter - Ritual Of Darkness DownloadPass:
Tracklist:1. Nightingale - To The End 2. Cloudscape - Out Of The Shadows 3. Queensryche - Empire 4. Stream Of Passion - Embrace The Storm 5. Ayreon - Eyes Of Time 6. Opeth - Harvest 7. Dream Theater - Just Let Me Breathe 8. Communic - History Reversed 9. Suspyre - Distant Skies 10. Richard Andersson's Space Odyssey - Embrace The Galaxy 11. Sphere Of Souls - Sweet Sorrow 12. Fates Warning - Through Different Eyes 13. Mindflow - Another Point Of View 14. Royal Hunt - Ten To Life 15. Nova Art - My Beloved Hate DownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01- System Of A Down - Toxicity 02- Afterfeedback - Whiteblack 03- Korn - Got The Life 04- Tool - Forty Six & 2 05- 36 Crazyfists - Bloodwork 06- End Of April - Scene Circus 07- A.N.I.M.A.L. - Combativo 08- Motograter - Suffocate 09- Mudvayne - Forget To Remember 10- 40 Below Summer - Awakening 11- Deftones - Lifter 12- I.R.A.T.E. - D. Low 13- Slipknot - Don't Get Close 14- Ill Nino - What You Deserve 15- Relative Ash - Sperm 16- Limp Bizkit - Take A Look Around 17- Clawfinger - The Truth 18- Blindspott - Nil By Mouth 19- Eraso - Aldeguinda 20- Sevendust - The Last SongDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01- Saxon - Princess Of The Night 02- Def Leppard - Wasted 03- Cloven Hoof - Laying Down The Law 04- Gaskin - I'm No Fool 05- Diamond Head - Am I Evil 06- Iron Maiden - Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter 07- Holocaust - Death Or Glory - A II Z - Treason 08- Blitzkrieg - Blitzkrieg 09- Girlschool - Demolition Boys 10- Tygers Of Pan-Tang - Killers 11- Venom - Angel Dust (From Lead Weight) 12- Jaguar - Back Street Woman 13- Witchfinder General - Witchfinder General 14- Black Axe - Red Lights 15- Hollow Ground - Fight With The Devil 16- Raven - Don't Need Your MoneyDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01- Annihilator - Alison Hell 02- Metal Church - Beyond The Black 03- Tankard - Chemical Invasion 04- Testament - Sins Of Omission 05- Sacred Reich - State Of Emergency 06- Metallica - Enter Sandman 07- Kreator - Voices Of The Dead 08- Slayer - War Ensemble 09- Death Angel - Thrown To The Wolves 10- Sodom - Axis Of Evil 11- Violent Force - Sign Of Evil 12- Overkill - Drunken Wisdom 13- Artillery - Don't Believe 14- Onslaught - Skullcrusher 1DownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01- Judas Priest - Stained Class 02- King Diamond - Arrival 03- U.D.O. - 24-7 04- Manowar - Warriors Of The World United 05- Astral Doors - From Satan With Love 06- Black Sabbath - Paranoid 07- Savatage - Damien 08- Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Fernfahrer 09- Kilpi - Piikinä Lihassa 10- Dream Evil - The Sledge 11- Danzig - Do You Wear The Mark 12- Motorhead - Ace Of Spades 13- Jag Panzer - Warfare 14- Hamlet - Contraproducente 15- Rata Blanca - Lluvia Púrpura 16- Benedictum - Them 17- Fight - Blowout In The Radio Room 18- Son Of A Bitch - Victim YouDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01 - Stryper - Rock The Hell Out Of You 02 - Divinefire - Secret Weapon 03 - Bloodgood - Demon On The Run 04 - Slechtvalk - Cries Of The Haunted 05 - No Innocent Victim - Where Is Your Heart 06 - Bride - Silence Is Madness 07 - Mortification - 40:31 08 - Born Blind - Saved 09 - Deliverance - Temporary Insanity 10 - Clear Convictions - Words 11 - Die Happy - Melrose 12 - Frost Like Ashes - Notions Of Insanity 13 - Mercury Switch - Altered Beast 14 - Tourniquet - Besprinkled In Scarlet Horror 15 - Blind Guirdian - Punishment Divine 16 - Barren Cross - Terrorist Child 17 - Jerusalem - Dancing On The Head Of The Serpent 18 - Whitecross - Come Unto The LightDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01 - Beseech - Wounded 02 - Myriads - Dreams Of Reality 03 - Sunterra - Veil Of Darkness 04 - Lacuna Coil - Swamped 05 - For My Pain - Queen Misery 06 - Evereve - Dies Irae (Grave New World) 07 - Silentium - Serpentized 08 - Artrosis - Nazguls 09 - To Die For - Lacrimarum 10 - Tystnaden - Hamlet 11 - Lacrimas Profundere - Sarah Lou 12 - Mandrake - The Necklace 13 - To Elysium - Chaos Sun 14 - Macbeth - Henceforth 15 - Shadowcast - Mass-PlaceboDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01 - Aeternitas - Graduale 02 - Visions Of Atlantis - Lemuria 03 - Haggard - De La Morte Noire 04 - Seraphim - Deep 05 - Morgart - Sinfonie 5 - In A-Dur 06 - Hollenthon - Woe To The Defeated 07 - Epica - Force Of The Shore 08 - Nightwish - Sacrament Of Wilderness 09 - Apocalyptica - Drive 10 - Therion - Flesh Of The Gods 11 - Rhapsody - Flames Of Revenge 12 - Lunatica - World Under Ice 13 - Edenbridge - Deadend Fire 14 - Leaves' Eyes - Solemn Sea 15 - Offertorium - Die Sterne 16 - Within Temptation - Dark WingsDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01 - Ensiferum - Token Of Time 02 - Falchion - Swordmaster Of The Dragonland 03 - Finntroll - Trollhammaren 04 - Adorned Brood - Hiltia 05 - Metsatöll - Raiun Kui Rauda 06 - Nerthus - Meadow-Lands Slumber 07 - Korpiklaani - Pine Woods 08 - Dark Reality - Ants Under Glass 09 - Lumsk - Perpålsa 10 - Turisas - Sahti-Waari 11 - Die Apocalyptischen Reiter - Reitermaniacs 12 - Shaman - Sugadit 13 - In Extremo - Spielmanns Wiederkehr 14 - Vicious Crusade - Let It Burn 15 - Heidevolk - Het Geldersch Volkslied 16 - XIV Dark Centuries - Teutonentanz 17 - Tuatha De Danann - Behold The Horned KingDownloadPass:
Tracklist: 01 - Thiasos Dionysos - Recovering Mjöllnir 02 - Vintersorg - Universums Dunkla Alfabet 03 - Forefather - Iron Hand 04 - Månegarm - Dödens Strand 05 - Asmegin - Til Rondefolkets Herskab 06 - Borknagar - Gods Of My World 07 - Nebelhorn - Das Nebelhorn 08 - Ensiferum - Guardians Of Fate 09 - Folkearth - Rhyming With Thunder 10 - Vanaheim - Riket 11 - Equilibrium - Der Sturm 12 - Moonsorrow - Sankarihauta 13 - Einherjer - Venomtongue 14 - Turisas - As Torches Rise 15 - Nomans Land - The Call Of AncestorsDownloadPass: